Claudia’s Many-Worlds Vision
Claudia’s Many-Worlds Vision
✨ 🦈 Invoking Sharks as Auric Protectors, 🏘️ Inherited Houses in Dreams, and 🐆 ⚡ Jaguar Goddess on Power Lines: Carrier of New Energy
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -27:48

✨ 🦈 Invoking Sharks as Auric Protectors, 🏘️ Inherited Houses in Dreams, and 🐆 ⚡ Jaguar Goddess on Power Lines: Carrier of New Energy

Where are you going, little bird, with heaven hanging off your tail?

☁️ 📣 Announcement

This issue includes a stream of consciousness audio note. In a recent dream, I saw images flowing out of my mouth like water. I chose to honor this vision by speaking a stream of dream imagery. If you don't feel like listening, here's a bulleted summary (generated by AI) of what I shared:

  • Sharks as Animal Teachers

    • Hard time accepting sharks as teachers due to childhood beliefs.

    • Sharks categorized as evil animals alongside crocodiles, vultures, and snakes.

    • Realized animals have wisdom and speak clearly in dreams.

    • Sharks appear in dreams related to masculine lineage and father's father.

    • Drug cartel dreams with sharks circling gaudy mansions.

    • Recent dream: house underwater with sharks circling, felt safe but cracks appeared in windows.

    • Moving belongings to higher floors symbolizing soul development and ascension.

    • Accepting sharks as protectors circling my house.

  • Inherited Houses in Dreams

    • Houses symbolize our multi-dimensional body and inner inhabitants.

    • Common themes: new floor plans, leaky roofs, basements with issues.

    • Inherited houses can also symbolize inherited programmings or imprints.

    • Historical house dream: opened it up to the community for restoration.

  • Power Lines in Dreams

    • Power lines symbolize inner power lines or circuits/meridians/DNA helixes.

    • Dream of lightning striking power lines and crowning grandmother with a crown.

    • Another dream: futuristic UFO spaceship cleaning trash off power lines.

  • Jaguar Goddess Dream

    • Dream of a jaguar goddess woman lying on power lines outside my house.

    • Presence of goddesses in dreams often wordless or telepathic.

    • Real-Life Encounter: saw a mountain lion and bobcat while hiking, felt like an initiation.

Also, here are the links I mentioned in the audio note:


✨ 🦈 Invoking Sharks as Auric Protectors

Dream, September 1, 2024

All animals in dreams are teachers. I can no longer discriminate against the scary or ugly ones. My sharks are not predators—they are protectors. I’ve begun to invoke them on a daily basis—a security ring of sharks to swim around my auric field. There is a fierce and fearless relentlessness that we need to navigate psychic waters, and for that, sharks are our friends, not our foes.


🐆 ⚡ Jaguar Goddess on Power Lines: Carrier of New Energy

Dream, August 21, 2024

In the Animal Kingdom, there is no such thing as an unexpressed self. The energy of wild cats, similar to Goddess energy, teaches us that our instinctual nature can be refined into a higher form of intelligence. As we become closer to our truest selves and highest potential, we realize that we have nothing to prove and everything to express.


🌈 🌍 Living Heaven on Earth

Psychedelic Vision, August 30, 2024

As a consciousness explorer, I vow to never stop seeking new heights and more expansive truths. My angelic guides stop me mid-journey and remind me that the heaven I am seeking is hanging off my tail. They say it in such a divinely poetic way—just like a bird's song—to forever point the way back home again and again:

Where are you going, little bird, with heaven hanging off your tail?


🎟️ 🎡 Be the gatekeeper of your own experiences

Dream, August 13, 2024

In mindfulness, we learn about the observer and detachment, and I see this ferris wheel dream as another way to develop emotional intelligence and spiritual sovereignty. We are the gatekeepers of our own experiences. The next time an emotion or situation takes you for a ride, ask yourself: “Did I give myself a ticket to this experience?” Take a moment to reflect on whether the event or emotion aligns with your intentions and values. If it does, embrace it fully. If not, you can choose to exit the moment.

🧘‍♂️ 🌅 Present Awarenesses

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