👽 📺 E.T. channeling, 🎭 🧠 EQ ≥ IQ, and 🔍🌟discovering dormant destinies
Let's Burn our Grief together next Tuesday on the Full Moon 🌝 (zoom link inside).
🌬️ Everything begins on the etheric levels first.
Reality trickles down from the higher dimensions. Thoughts, emotions and energy congeal into solid forms. Time slows itself down and flattens until it appears linear.
Part of my psychic vision is dreaming events before they happen. Once I have set the intention to be somewhere at a specific place and time, I start to dream it.
This is not supernatural. This is just nature.
Most of the “shadow work” and trauma healing involves the lower realms — not the higher realms.1
Every thoughtform matters. Embodiment matters. Emotional expression matters. All of existence should be treated as an art form.
When we dream it feels like nonsense, because a dream is a collage of many different lives and events smashed together. In dreams, our psyche pulls from other reality streams that flow concurrently beside this one.
Why do we dream? Here are just a few reasons:
Soul hunting. Dreams are a mission to recover lost aspects of our soul — even from other timelines or dimensions.
Practice runs. Whether you accept it or not, you do have precognitive dreams. Sometimes stressful or scary dream events help to exercise our emotional bodies in preparation for the waking life scenario.
Heal karmic storylines. Time bends in dream realms. We have the ability to affect the past and future. This is related to genetic encodings and generational trauma. If you want to become more lucid in dreams, the first step is cultivating dream awareness in waking life. 2
Telepathic communication from the higher realms. Dreaming is an altered state, this is when it’s easiest for spirit, devic, angelic, E.T. and other beings to deliver their messages and give you advice. Often I hear it as a voice and these are considered “clairaudient” dreams, but they also like to dress up in costumes and will show up wearing the skin of someone you might know.
Two nights ago in a dream, a comedian started heckling me. He called me out for not wearing my “dreamer” face. I came to my own defense. I told him about this newsletter and the dream sharing circles, but he said that wasn’t enough.
I suspect it will never be enough — and that’s OK.
Consciousness never stops “becoming.” We are continuously metamorphosing and transforming. We rewire our brains. We adjust to our bodies as we age. We heal our own hearts.
There’s this saying in Spanish — mi Tia Fabiola used to say it when she would find an object at a flea market or Goodwill that reminded her of me — she would say, “Tiene tu cara.” It has your face. I always loved that.
We don’t have just one face, we have many, and dreaming is how we recover and become those faces.
You should have more people in your life who encourage you (maybe even heckle you) to become more and more you.
🎭 🧠 EQ ≥ IQ
Here is something I learned while sojourning in the higher realms:
The majority of these higher dimensional beings have never incarnated before and are very “out of touch”.
These guys were kind of elitist, which is understandable, because they are giant brain blobs who at times fractalize to become the most revolutionary thinkers and inventors in our history.
They have no emotional investment in our space-time continuum — they just want the intelligence we feed them.3
That’s fine — but what the higher ups need to understand is “emotional intelligence” feeds and alters the Universe too. That’s part of our purpose of being born on Earth.
The learning goes both ways ↕️. Consciousness is the final frontier and each one of us is a voyager and explorer contributing to new discoveries.
We do this by tending to our own emotional gardens, soul-family systems and communities — but most vital to this mission is looking inward, healing, discovering your gifts, and learning to love other humans in the most divine and supportive way.
Amnesia was necessary so you could experience human life on Earth fully, for only through this experience could you discover ways to transcend the barriers and systems that are blocking humans from healing and awakening. From your direct experience, you are able to create new teachings, wisdom, and offerings for others who are suffering in earthly life. This is how and why you came to be here.
— Stella Maris Speaks by Adena Tryon
🌍 🌈 👸 The Soul of the World needs the Goddess
I have been carrying a masculine God for so long now — aching to be seen by him. Over time I realized the Goddess had been seeking me out, by appearing in visions and dreams.
She speaks, and my God never did.
She has many iterations and faces. She’s introduced herself to me as Isis, Cerridwen, Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, La Virgen de Guadalupe, Sheela na gig, The Dark Goddess, Sophia, and most recently Stella Maris4.
She is the Divine Mother and her love is unconditional and nurturing.
Even the edges of her boundaries are warm and loving.
🛑 😵 Please Do Not Feed The Parasites
This is more of a PSA. It’s important to me to normalize the awareness of energetic parasites.
Fear, hate and insecurity are parasites. We feed them with our anxieties and attention and we kill them by bringing our awareness toward them. When you find the root cause of a negative emotion you can see when and where it latched on. Maybe it’s coming from the past. Maybe you caught it from someone else’s bad mood or by scrolling social media.
Once you know why or how, you can choose to stop feeding it and it will die off.
Related: https://claudiadawson.blog/posts/removal-of-negative-energetic-parasites
🚀✨ The Impossible Journey Home
This one is hard for me to expound on, because it involves deep internal structures of belief, and words will never been enough to describe the transformative love that is available to all of us through healing and introspection.
Our higher guides — angels, spirit allies, star family, oversoul, etc.— so desperately want us to know, feel and believe that they are always watching over us.
Unlike the “Thinking Blob Entities”, they are deeply invested in our lifetime and are rooting for us.
All you have to do is ask and listen. They communicate in waking life synchronicities, divination practices, meditative states, dreams, and through media (books, songs and films that seem to appear at just the perfect time).
A year ago I commissioned a portrait of my star kin by Vashta Narada, an ET communicator and artist. I wasn’t ready to share her then, but I am now.
Her name is Enna-Teya and the channeled message Vashta gave to me is one that I want to gift to you:
She is very tall and human looking, but with completely white skin and white long hair. I feel like she is connected to a group that communicates with humans on a fairly regular basis through telepathy, dreams, out of body experiences etc. Sometimes even through other people when they are open to it. I feel she is connected to Aldebaran energies, but I am not 100% on that.
It felt peculiar connecting to her because the way she decided to come through was quite specific. Her gaze had so much love but also felt a little bit sad. Like a friend gazing into the eyes of a long lost close friend, but knowing that the person they are looking at does not remember that friendship at all. The way she posed was symbolic, she wanted to send a message. And this is what I read in her presence, coming from her -
However long it takes us humans to resolve our planetary issues - our star family will never give up on us. It is a reality that is not dependent on our timeline here. Or any timeline. We communicate with our galactic ancestors, kindred star spirits and siblings, from our deepest selves, to their deepest selves and back continuously. Humanity will learn how to fly as we are being kicked out of our comfort nests, but they can't fly for us. But what freedom awaits once we are soaring, what joy.
She wants you to know that she is never outside your reach. You know each other well and you've spent a lot of time together and had many adventures during your dream time. And one day you will remember all of it, once it won't interfere with your life and your timeline here in a significant or disruptive / distracting way. For now, you can start turning lucid, so that you can bit by bit start remembering what it feels like to roam the galaxy with your friend, unencumbered by your blueprint of this life. But it cannot happen instantly because the realities are too different. We have our own story to weave and tell as humans in our waking lives.
In my most recent out-of-body journey I sat with Enna-Teya in a spaceship. I was so excited to finally reunite with her and I said, “I’m here!” And she said to me unfazed, “You’re always here. You never leave. It’s only 3D Claudia that is finally here.”
And that’s pretty much how all of this works — We remember how to fly.
🔥🌅 Let’s Burn Our Grief Together before the New Year
I’ve have had a lot of fun hosting dream sharing circles and have learned so much from the other dreamers — Thank You. The next Dream Share circle will be held Sunday, January 7 at 10AM PST, and you can register here.
Until then, I wanted to create another opportunity for connection and healing before the New Year. By no surprise, I discovered my friend Elliott Fienberg of The Most Creative had the same idea — we are calling it a Grief Burning Circle.
The idea behind this gathering is that we will take turns sharing what we’re ready to leave behind before we enter the new year. No preparation necessary.
Elliott and I will guide you in a few introspective practices so that you can get clarity on what’s been holding you back, and then as a group we’ll help support you in “burning” those limiting beliefs.
This circle will be held on Zoom next Tuesday, December 26, 2023 at 5:30PM PST / 8:30PM EST. It will last an hour and a half and is free to attend.
I’ve been mapping my Universe as I astral project, journey and dream and my body senses the difference between “ascending” and “descending.” The higher I ascend, the more compassionate, collective and unconditional love I feel. It’s when I’m pulled into lower realms that I’ve discovered and healed generational trauma, outdated karmic storylines and fear.
Even if all you have leftover after a night of dreaming is an image — treat it as a holy truth. Stretch it and spread it out like the Duck does the mud. It will become the land you walk on. Listen to this: https://claudiadawson.blog/posts/how-to-draw-closer-to-your-mystery
After this lifetime, the consciousness we cultivate will go back to the collective. These Thinking Blobs will absorb our intelligence — but I very quickly realized they are lacking in emotional intelligence. The work we do to heal and master our emotional expression can alter the fabric of this Universe.
Stella Maris is a collective aligned with the higher realm cetaceans — our whale mothers and dolphin angels. She is known as the Queen of Heaven or the Lady of the Sea. I’ll share more about her next year. She loves Lapis Lazuli, Larimar and Aquamarine.
You had me at “Please Do Not Feed The Parasites”.