Timelines, and Dreamtime, and the flowing of time
Instead of cleansing your chakras you should cleanse your algorithms
I have time anxiety, so it makes sense that most of the things on my mind are time related.
I’m mesmerized by all the different ways you can depict time and space visually. Like this Temple of Time by Emma Willard.
Or this Map of Vesuvius displaying the history of eruptions — 200 years of lava streams.
Here is a view of Nature in all Climates.
See more here: Data Visualization and the Modern Imagination.
Favorite headline of the week: “In the quantum realm, not even time flows as you might expect”
A team of physicists at the Universities of Bristol, Vienna, the Balearic Islands and the Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information (IQOQI-Vienna) has shown how quantum systems can simultaneously evolve along two opposite time arrows — both forward and backward in time.
This reminds me of this passage from one of my favorite books, The Nature of the Psyche: Its Human Expression:
I have said that all events occur at once — a difficult statement to understand. All identities occur at once also. Each event changes every other. Present ones alter past ones. Any one event implies the existence of probable events which do not “emerge,” which are not “spoken.” Physical world events therefore rest upon the existence of implied probable events.
A wiki that unlocks a world of wonder is this one about The Dreaming or Aboriginal Dreamtime. Also known as “Everywhen” or my favorite, the “eternal uncreated.”
The Dreaming is used to represent Aboriginal concepts of Everywhen during which the land was inhabited by ancestral figures, often of heroic proportions or with supernatural abilities. These figures were often distinct from gods as they did not control the material world and were not worshipped, but only revered.
In English, anthropologists have variously translated words normally understood to mean Dreaming or Dreamtime in a variety of other ways, including "Everywhen", "world-dawn", "ancestral past", "ancestral present", "ancestral now" (satirically), "unfixed in time", "abiding events" or "abiding law".
The concept of the Dreaming is inadequately explained by English terms, and difficult to explain in terms of non-Aboriginal cultures. It has been described as "an all-embracing concept that provides rules for living, a moral code, as well as rules for interacting with the natural environment ... [it] provides for a total, integrated way of life ... a lived daily reality". It embraces past, present and future.
Read more here: https://encyclopedia.marginalia.nu/wiki/Aboriginal_Dreamtime.
Speaking of Dreamtime, I held on to that space between wake and sleep and these mandrake-like creatures slid out of the trees and a did a dance for me. They introduced themselves as “tree men” and that’s why I call it the Mandrake Man Dance.
Sometimes, after weed and wine, I’ll have a “revelation.” Usually, in the light of day, I’ll delete them. Some I’ll keep forever, like this one:
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