🌬️ ✨ The Cosmic Womb, 🔄 ➡️ Karmic loops, and 🎥 🌈 Holographic Reality Body Projector
😶🌫️ Dream Drop-in on Zoom this weekend Nov. 12 @ 10AM PST
🌬️ ✨ The Cosmic Womb (Dream Audio)
🌬️ ✨ The Cosmic Womb
An archetypal dream I had on Friday, October 13, 2023 about altered consciousness and rebirthing via the Cosmic Womb. Here is a transcript of the audio, if you prefer to read it.
The background music belongs to my friend
of . Elliott creates otherworldly music and soundscapes and he let me borrow this one. This track is called: Provoking Lake Sunset. This is our second sound/dream collaboration, because he recently named a track after one of my dreams: The Land Between Tomorrows.🔮 📢 UPDATE ON PSYCHIC READINGS :
I’m still working my way through the requests for FREE Divination Readings from last month. I’ve temporarily closed the form, but I will open it back up in a few weeks. I plan to respond to everyone, so if you have yet to hear from me, you will within the next two weeks.
🌟🚶♂️ Follow your guiding light
These were my instructions before I was born. These might have been your “Before Earth” instructions too.
Life on Earth can sometimes feel like sinking in darkness, not knowing which way to swim toward the surface.
The process of “awakening” is really just remembering.
You will remember your guiding light. It feels like unconditional love and support. The light reveals your natural gifts and it reminds you that you are here on Earth to embody this divine energy.
📝 🌌 🎭 Rewrite your Soul Script
This vision was related to the “Acting Class for Sensitive Souls: A Pre-requisite for Being Human” and the “Choose your own Adventure Drama” dreams.
Don’t buy into the hype that there is no free will. You are a sovereign being. You don’t have to participate in the reincarnation cycle to clear karmic debt. Every choice you make does matter. Your choices alter the fabric of space and time.
One choice you can make on a daily basis — and with instantaneous effects — is to choose the role you want to play on this World’s Stage.
You have a variety of masks — emotional and energetic — to choose from. Strive for artful expression of your highest frequencies.
🔄 ➡️ How to recognize karmic loops or outdated storylines
Do I feel stagnant or unable to grow in the environment I am in?
If the answer is yes, what does my soul need to expand (and is it possible to renegotiate this soul contract or template by advocating for myself?)
Am I repeating the same experiences, relationships or patterns?
If yes, what behaviors and choices of mine are leading to this repetition?
Why would I have chosen to participate in this energetic entanglement?
What lessons am I meant to learn from these relationships or events?
Are new opportunities and synchronicities beginning to present themselves?
If yes, do I feel a sense of completion and is it time to move forward in a new direction?
🌠 🚀 A Starseed’s Memory
Here are two things I know for sure:
All the crucial components of our DNA were cooked up in the bellies of stars.
Our human bodies carry ancestral and historical traumas, and these memories will sometimes resurface vividly and painfully during psychedelic journeys. (A few years ago I met my conquistador fathers and my “bloody, muddy mothers” and wrote about the experience in A New Temple)
Based on what I know, this very vivid, embodied vision of being in the left ray of a Star feels like a true memory. A memory that emerged from the most ancient stellar elements in my body.
Here is another starseed dream I had the same night on Monday, January 16, 2023:
Monday, January 16, 2023 was one of those “loud” nights when my spirit guides dumped a lot of messages and imagery on me back to back. Here are two more from the same night I shared earlier this year: the unhook from your “meat” ego dream and one about the missing aspect of me who knows secrets behind the mysteries of the universe.
🎥 🌈 Your body as the projector for realities
This goes all the way back to Plato’s Cave — a philosophical truth about the nature of reality and a reminder to question our perceptions and beliefs.
I often dream in holograms and reality screens and it’s altered the way I sense “waking life”. Outside of dreamtime when I am awake time slows down to one stream and space flattens itself, but I can still sense that moments have edges and all the other unseen dimensions of reality — and with that in mind, is how I try to move within the world.
🔓 🆓 📜 A working manifesto of Free Will
In my internet echo chamber, I see headlines debunking Free Will. I don’t click. I refuse to get energetically or emotionally entangled. Instead, I wrote a response for myself. A reminder for when I feel helpless or hopeless. It’s a work-in-progress.
Note: My boss Kevin Kelly actually gave me this homework in a dream on Tuesday, May 30, 2023. I asked him if he believed that we as humans have free will, and he said, “Why don’t you write out your definition of Free Will and then tell me what you think.” So here is my response to this astral assignment:
I am a sovereign being who has the ability to advocate for myself. I choose experiences that are consciousness and life-expanding, and I say NO to all energy drains and life-shrinking experiences.
I do not need a priest or a shaman to communicate with the Divine.
I can wear any mask or play any role I want, I do not have to participate in the victim/perpetrator storyline if it is pushed on me.
My angels and spirit guides are there to advise me when asked, but I do not have to make any choices I am not ready to make. I can ask the flow of consciousness to slow down and take my time to integrate at my pace.
If I feel uncomfortable in a space or with a person, I can walk out. Psychic protection practices are my spiritual right. This includes crossing my arms to pull in my aura and protect my solar plexus.
I create my own reality based on my principles, values, beliefs and divine intuitions — and these are allowed to change as I explore consciousness and other realities. I am allowed to transform.
I respect every human and creature’s free will and boundaries. I do not force others to live in my worlds or attempt to break down their deep internal structures of reality. I meet every person where they are at emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually. I see the Divine in every human being.
I’m aware that my consciousness participates in other realities and that there are other species of TIME, yet I deeply respect the linear flowing of time and this one reality we choose to create together.
I accept myself as an active participant in a shared reality. I believe that only I am responsible for my choices and I do not make self-destructive choices. I choose to support the spiritual evolution of my soul and heart and that of others.
If I can accept the consequences of my actions, then I am truly free.
🌈 💭 Dream Drop-in Zoom this weekend
No theme or formalities. Just a drop-in chat to talk about any dreams or synchronicities that might be perplexing us at the moment.
I will be sharing dreams I’ve had recently about rewriting my soul script.
You don’t have to have a dream or questions to attend, just an open heart and open mind.
Scheduled for Sunday, November 12 at 10AM PST. Register here.
If you can’t make it this time, there will be other times.
You can find me on Instagram @manyworldsvision and on the 📢 Whatsapp broadcast channel. You will remain anonymous to other members and the only messages you will receive are from me — and at the most 1-2 times a week.
If you want to join the Many-Worlds Visions on WhatsApp. Click this link from your phone or scan the QR code below.
Wow this audio turned out brilliantly. I am so honoured. Typically I can't relax listening to my own music but this was such a lovely experience to hear the dream spoken out loud. Looking forward to reading the rest of the dreams in this edition.