👼 👣 The angels who come from below, 🆓 💫 free light exchange, and 🧠 🧘♂️ non-psychedelic ways to change your mind
Your inner space is the gateway to outer space
I’ve opened up my calendar for drop-in dream space and one-on-ones.
Drop-in Dream Space will unfold differently than it did before.
Sessions will begin with a sound bath or meditative music to drop in to an altered state, followed by a higher consciousness stream channeling.
The purpose of these drop-in dream spaces is to expand and explore your own inner realms.
These sessions are free to attend and you can choose to participate or solely witness.
Here is the calendar of upcoming sessions: https://calendly.com/claudiadawson/drop-in-dream-space
👼 👣 The Angels Who Come from Below
Over the past few years of astral travel and dream journeying, I have become familiar with my personal allies and realms. Each animal, plant, and mineral I encounter carries a specific frequency and lesson.
Here are the teachers that resonate closely with my heart. Maybe some of them are your guides too:
Whales, Dragonflies, Manta Rays, Condors, Parrots, Serpents, Spiders, Sea Turtles, Frogs, Domestic and Wild Cats (Tiger, Black Panther), White Mice, Squirrels, Oak Trees, Palm Trees, Clary Sage, Blue Lotus, Aquamarine, Lapis Lazuli, Meteorites, Larimar, Sheela Na Gig, Mother Mary (in all her incarnations, specifically Stella Maris), Mary Magdalene, Cerridwen, Isis, Lilith, St. Sarah, Inanna, Bast, Lyrans, Christ Consciousness
There are also realms I revisit often. One of them I know as the Office of the Goddess, where divine feminine energies seem to be headquartered, and it just so happens to materialize in dreams as an actual office. When I meet with my Angels it is often in high-rise buildings.
I understand these forms are temporary symbols for higher dimensions and higher spiritual administration—not absolute depictions of energy.
Your own higher realms might appear to you in different ways. Pay attention to the landscape and elements that surround you. Every symbol is alive and teeming with information.
I also spend time in interrealms (between life and death) or underworld realms with discarnate souls, where I engage in shamanic energy work—guiding souls, rehabilitating, healing.
I frequently have dreams that I refer to as Angelic SWAT team dreams. In these dreams, I enter dark realms, which are devoid of light, to rescue children and souls from horrific abuse and violence.
These recurring dreams feel more like missions. I know I can't save everyone, but I always wake up with a stronger and more resilient spirit that can look evil right in the eyes and not be scared.
I'm learning to accept that this has always been a part of my astral body's job, and that I’m barely just becoming aware of it.
Upon waking and returning to the 3D world, I remind myself that I am more than just my waking life. My spirit body exists in other timelines and worlds, adhering to different laws of nature beyond this realm.
I have recently encountered a new concept: the idea of angels who come from below. This was first revealed to me in a dream years ago, which I called Interview with the Angels.
The Angels wanted to make sure I could live by their tenets, I said Yes, and then they took me om a tour of their headquarters, but instead of going up in the elevator, we went down into the Underworld.
The elevators open to a cavern full of grumpy cherubs doing administrative work. The Angel tells me to not mind them, they’re not used to seeing us down here, and that they are currently working on bypassing this floor. But for now, we must first go down before we ascend.
This dream's meaning continues to unfold for me, but the strongest message is: we cannot bypass our earthly roots. We must heal our emotions and trauma here before evolving, expanding or ascending.
I shared these images a few issues ago, but they want to be shared again. Here are some drawings and poems I made to integrate lower realm dreams:
Dark dreams aren't as scary as they once seemed; they represent unknown parts within me where light has yet to shine. They feel haunting because it's my responsibility as a human spirit to give them language.
As incarnated beings with active choice, we have the incredible opportunity to explore every inch of our inner landscape—without waiting for someone to prompt us or to tell us how to do it. Consciousness wants to be creative and it wants to play!
I try not to label things rigidly because energy is always in flux; I'm not a stagnant being but infinite energy in aspects. To avoid fracturing myself completely, I focus on the loudest parts.
Darkness can be loud and frightening because it seeks recognition—to be given language, light, witnessing, love, and empathy.
The more we make the unconscious known, the less scary it becomes. This understanding guides my work as a human—to make my unknowns known—and remains my compass pointing north.
🆓 💫 Free Light Exchange
Some lightworkers are so blissed out that they can only exchange darkness for high vibrational light energies. It is challenging to appear grounded and earthly when your body serves as an open vessel for cosmic oneness and unity. My spirit guides encourage me to be more balanced and rooted in light—more of a lighthouse than a lightworker, also known as an Earth Star.
I am thinking of other types of “light exchangers”—like sin eaters and Condor medicine. Some vessels, whether it be human or animals, can withstand toxicity and darkness because they transmute the poison itself.
Lately, I've been aware of the heart fields and light bodies we carry. You can most likely sense when you encounter someone with walls or blockages in their heart space. Their energy feels contracted. They might actually suck the air out of a room.
Sometimes, I walk into a room and my own body shrinks back. These are times I put up an imaginal shield around myself. If the energy feels really off, I might wrap my arms around myself or hold my breath.
I think part of the work that we do as light workers or lighthouses is simply to harmonize contracted heart spaces with our own expanded fields. This is a form of toxicity transmutation.
During a recent psychedelic journey, I asked my spirit guides how to protect my heart while keeping it open. They explained how, although we often lump them together, light and love are separate energies with different functions.
My heart space can remain open because my light forms a field to protect me from dark energies.
We all exchange light and darkness as if they were currency. My hope is that in every interaction, I give back enough life energy so the other person walks away with more light, not less.
Astral Homework: In every interaction, be mindful of your language and the words you speak. Ask yourself: Am I creating expansion and possibilities with my words, or am I creating limitations and shrinking back from life?
📞 🧸 The Call Is Coming from Within
Here is a related dream, I had two birthdays ago:
Sometimes our inner constituents rise up within us and demand more play and more joy. This dream was a reminder that as I continue to explore my subconscious, the collective consciousness, and the astral realms, I am not alone on this spaceship. All aspects of me are along for the ride, and the most important one is probably my inner child. She came into this world pure, ready to play, explore, love, and imagine. She is a leader too, and she deserves to be behind the wheel.
Astral Homework: Take some time to connect with your inner child and write a list of their demands. Make an effort to give them one thing they are needing right now.
📦 🧹 Inner House Cleaning
If the house in dreams symbolizes our internal family systems and structures, then a moving van and unpacked boxes that follow you around symbolize trauma or outdated beliefs and baggage that you no longer need. Honor your past and the places you've been, but there is no need to carry it all with you into the future.
This dream relates to other dreams I’ve had that advise unhooking from the storyline I’ve carried since childhood. The stories we tell over and over can hold us in place. We are allowed to rewrite our soul scripts and dictate how our lives will unfold.
In order to move forward and grow, it's important to recognize the impact of the narratives we repeat.
You do not need to be a collector of emotional wounds or injustices.
Just as our physical body purges, so must our emotional body.
You are allowed to travel light into your future.
Astral Homework: Notice a story that you tell about yourself over and over again. Do a self-inquiry as to what lessons you have learned from this life event and whether you can now put it to rest and never tell it again. Imagine a new, better story you would like to create.
🎬 🕊️ Act out Your Divine Will
The week before this dream, my angels gave me a vision. In this vision, I had to caption every interaction with only the higher energies attempting to be expressed. This vision helped me see that in every moment, multiple desires are trying to be fulfilled.
While we can't know the true motivations behind what others say or do, we can learn to identify our own higher intentions with clarity and discernment.
These lessons from the higher realms are meant to exercise my emotional intelligence. Empathy is not something you just have or don't have; it is a skill that continues to evolve. Just as intelligence itself has no cap and varying degrees of expression, empathy also has no limit to its power.
Astral Homework: Look back on a recent interaction, as if it were captured in a photo. Write the caption for this moment and describe the true desires, intentions, and motivations that were trying to be expressed. Take note of how accurately or inaccurately you expressed them.
Extra Credit: Try to caption the other person’s desires, intentions and motivations behind their actions and words.
🧠 🧘♂️ Non-Psychedelic Ways to Change Your Mind
Once again, they show me the flow of Life as waterways. This time, they demonstrate how the internal directly affects the external. The pathways in my brain alter my sensory perception and experiential reality.
Healing and transformation do not need to be a slow process. My spirit guides tell me my reality can be changed by opening the hidden doorways within.
There is no one way—and many non-psychedelic ways—to be a consciousness explorer.
Your inner space is the gateway to outer space.
Astral Homework: Try out one of these non-psychedelic ways to change your mind:
Dance a mood or energy
Pray on a rosary or any chain of beads
Visualize spoken words as shapes and sacred geometries
Speak your gratitudes out loud, one by one, until you’ve exhausted the list
Lay outside on the grass, gaze up at the sky and listen to the sounds of the Earth
Play your day backwards and see yourself through the eyes of others
Interpret people’s energies as colors and tones
Extra Credit: Feel free to add on to the list and share it!