Soul syllabus: Pre-requisites for being human
Also: How to recognize a past life, Psychic Sensorium, and cats as the Twilight Zone doorway.
🧬 Pre-requisites for being human
I was a disembodied spirit in this dream. I hovered over a training class for souls who were about to incarnate. They felt like pure hearts.
I thought, “These guys are gonna get eaten alive down there.”
The purpose of our physicality is to anchor light and transformative energies — and these transformative energies can often feel like out-of-control emotions. Some of us express these raw emotions and wild out like a firehouse dousing everyone, and some of us repress negative emotions — like regret, resentment and rage — until it drowns us from the inside.
Emotions can be barometers for psychic intuition, but only if your brain, body and heart are connected and calibrated.
Pure hearts run the risk of getting eaten alive down here and pure brains do a disservice to the evolution of our cosmic consciousness.
We all have to get muddied up, suffer, grieve, grow knots within, and be confused. This is where you heal and these pains are portals for the brightest, purest light to break through you. This is how you grow and glow and become a better human.
One very important perspective shift I learned recently is that I am NOT the one doing the work — the work is being done through me.
This is transfiguration and this is part of soul work. These are assignments and our tests and we’ll all graduate someday.
We are all students of life, and on our soul syllabus is Artful Expression of our emotions and thoughts.
🕰️ How to recognize a past life
I don’t know if these are past lives or adjacent timelines or ancestral memories encoded in my DNA — but what I feel is deep recognition and resonance. You’ll just know. It feels like an activation or turning on a light switch in a dark room, and that dark room is another aspect of you — fully developed and waiting for you to remember.
Perspective shift: When a past-life memory resurfaces, it doesn’t mean you are meant to pick up where you left off. You are not the same soul you were in another life. You are something new.
Once during a psychedelic journey, a past-life magician aspect of me popped up. He peeked and peered over my shoulder as I traversed my soul path and lineage.
During his own lifetime the magician was a seeker too, in pursuit of more and more consciousness — only he called it Alchemy. He told me what I was doing — dreamwork and psychedelic therapy — would take him farther than he’d ever gone before and could he tag along?
At one point during the journey I was in ancient Maya communing with my ancestors and I said to him, “You can be here, but we are playing out my story this lifetime. Please take off your top hat. We’re in a jungle and you look ridiculous.”
👩🚀 A sojourner’s soul story
I saw my Soul climbing a structure made of myths. These are the stories a soul chooses to act out in a lifetime. Part of the quest is to discover your myth. Once you do that, the next step appears before you.
Perspective shift:
Maybe we all have multiple stories to play out. I saw it as a lattice — a zigzagging of myths and motifs meant to be touched upon.
The more past lives or aspects — or even sub-personalities — I discover, the more intricate my journey becomes. This is where my mind needs the most flexibility:
My blood has memories, my brain is a filter, my heart is a beacon, and my soul is an ever-changing composite of spirit.
🕵️♀️ Soul hunting and self-gathering
We leave fragments of ourselves in the past. Parts of our souls are left abandoned in traumatic moments, repressed memories and broken relationships. I dream that I go back in time to collect the left-behinds. This is a necessary step in becoming whole.
An example of self-gathering:
I was having reoccurring dreams of a childhood friend. In the dreams, I would be so excited to see him and I would say, “Let’s play!”
But there was never enough time, or he was always leaving, or he would say to me: “We’re not really kids. I don’t know you anymore.”
All my excitement and joy would be dispelled.
I was tired of waking up disappointed and realized that what I really wanted was not to play with my friend in a dream, it was to find ways to play in waking life.
A part of my soul was stuck back there with my friend. A part of me that was calling out from the past begging to play.
My responsibility was to collect that left-behind child and create opportunities for her to come out and play during my day-to-day life.
👼 Be your own death angel
I know my own death. I’ve seen it. I’ve planned it. I’m not in a hurry, but I’m perfectly OK with it. It’s what I signed up for and I know it’s not the end — just another thruway. Someday I’ll pack up this body and move on.
Part of my death practice:
It’s gonna take a lifetime to perfect the art of dying, but learning to be comfortable with death is an integral part of my pursuit of happiness. When I was young, I lost people I loved suddenly. Now every time I hug someone I imagine them as bones and dust — this pulls me to the present and it makes me grateful and so full of love and joy to be with them in the Now.
🦊 The Red Fox as a Spirit Guide
A new Animal spirit showed up in my dreams! In the dream it is dusk and I am sitting on top of a slide — in between times and spaces. That’s when the Fox shows up. She is graceful and stealthy — a goddess-type energy. I wanted to be like her and I wanted my love to feel like her.
👃🏼 Clairsalience: the ability for a person to acquire psychic knowledge by means of smelling
This dream was a tutorial in trusting your senses. Through our senses we discern truths and create realities. A scent can be a portal and touchstone.
Related: Activating Psychic Senses
Activating your innate psychic senses begins with your 5 senses.
I try to find new ways to develop my senses. I practice isolating sounds and smells and widening and relaxing my gaze. I use aromatherapy oils for meditation and sleep. I use tuning forks to break up stagnant energy and align my vibrations. I tune in closely to rings and tones and hums until my whole body feels like it’s being strummed. I allow myself to get lost in shifting lights, shadows and reflections.
One rainy night, I got swallowed by the sound of one singular raindrop and dropped into a shamanic journey. Lately, a reflective surface can induce a trance — it feels like traveling on light beams. Another Dreamer once told me that she used a knot in a wood shelf as a portal. I asked how, and she said she just looked at it and it opened up to another world. Senses act as a thruway to other dimensions.
🚪🐈 🐈⬛ Cats as doorways in dreams
Cats in dreams are like the Twilight Zone doorway. They show up to lure you toward the Mystery. Cats are not meant to be understood or to be flattened in a box. They are a symbol for the unknown and for our innate divine knowing. If you dream of finding or chasing cats, your Mystery is saying: come closer.
A cautionary dream about a little girl blindsided by her birthday wish. I wish I could say I internalized the lesson, but I’m not sure. I feel like the first step is learning to distinguish desires that are pure from the desires that are misaligned and driven by external forces.
Actress Susan Sarandon used to be a placeholder for the Goddess. This is one of our encounters. Characters in Dreams can sometimes be placeholders for a real-life person or energy who we have yet to meet. The Goddess is not just one goddess, it is feminine consciousness trying on different faces.
“The truth pours out of me like a Torus field fountain.” I am a preacher in an adjacent timeline. This is one of those glimpses.
This is a dream about propaganda and dark patterns. I’ve worked in marketing, advertising and journalism and I understand the power of language and its potential for deception. I remain vigilant.
In dreams, vehicles of consciousness depict themselves as actual vehicles. In my personal dream dictionary, boats are vessels for the spirit, cars symbolize my physicality and airplanes are carriers for ideas, thoughts and mental constructs. Here is a dream about airplanes crashing.