Soul hunting, dimensionless mathematics, slime language, and multifocality in dreams
Follow the consciousness breadcrumbs back home.
Imagination is a floodgate
When I was in Egypt our tour guide said the word “Imagination” a lot. Everything the Egyptians believed in she attributed to their imagination.
The myths depicted in hieroglyphs. The after-death soul rituals. “What a great imagination these people had.”
I tried not to be offended or annoyed. Our tour guide was lovely and intelligent and she was Egyptian and Muslim, and I am just a Mexican-American who grew up believing in aliens and witches and Christ — and all these “identities” are imagination too.
We need Imagination to “remember.” Myths are shortcuts for our soul. They remind us of what was before, what is possible, and show us one of many paths to discover our purpose.
Imagination, like Intuition, is a sensory muscle. You have to work it out. You have to utilize it. You have to stretch it. Use it or lose it.
My nephew asked me recently if I am making up my dreams and visions. He doesn’t believe dreams can tell coherent stories or have messages.
The answer is No, but I do use my Imagination — not to make up stories but as a portal. It is a gateway and once you open it you allow the “remembering” to come through.
A warning: The Imagination is also a floodgate.
Sometimes the “remembering” will flow in all at once. There are times I feel flooded — floating in a sea of alien realities. It is an altered state and it never feels coherent or cohesive.
I adjust the floodgate. I follow the trail of consciousness breadcrumbs slowly.
Consciousness breadcrumbs are glimpses of past lives and other realities. It is a kernel of wisdom earned through experience and connection, and it belongs to you.
When you pick up a consciousness breadcrumb and accept it as a truth that’s when the Imaginal gates open up. That’s when more “remembering” is allowed to resurface. That’s when your dreams begin to tell coherent stories.
So what happens next?
You’ll recognize a truth when you meet it. A truth feels like an inner knowing that’s been dormant and waiting to be discovered. It feels ancient and anchored in your spirit.
Then begins your responsibility to integrate this new truth. Take it out for a walk. Feed the alien within you. Your other lives want to be alive in this reality too!
Anyone can do this. It’s not Magic. We do this in dreams every night. Our spirit roams the cosmos for something that will spark remembrance within us.
A piece of your complete consciousness floats within reach. Open your eyes. Follow the breadcrumbs back home.
👀 Losing my form
Form being my body. Form being my brief existence on Earth. I promise to not be attached to Form, while at the same time I vow to honor it.

🗺️ Mind map of Potentials
I’ve seen this map and message depicted in different ways over time. Here is a similar message from a dream I had in July 2021, and another visual depiction from August 2021. The imagery is different, but the message is the same — we have access to all the potential outcomes. Trust yourself.

🐾 Soul Hunting is the same as Dreaming
There is a reoccurring theme of wearing disguises in dreams. My dreambody is an actor. There are always costume changes.
Sometimes I act like a journalist asking lots of questions, other times a dissident or protestor, and once in a while an observer in disguise — but in all dreams I am a hunter.

👽 Translating alien slime language
June 4, 2022. I dreamed I could translate the alien slime language that was slowly spreading and taking over the Earth. Everyone else was afraid of it and tried to ignore it. I sensed there was consciousness in it — even without a brain.
Once you connect with consciousness outside of yourself or species or reality that connection is always there — like a beacon or a tracking link. This is what telepathy is. This is what radio signals are. Just tune the dial and communicate.

👼🏼 Angel mathematics
Dimensionless mathematics — the Angels are experts at this. I don’t understand their language or knowledge. Sometimes they give me what I call, “Einstein dreams.” I see graphs and wormholes. I tell the Angels these visions are wasted on me. That’s OK, they say. Someday I’ll understand. I always wake up rested after they visit. I always learn something new.

🤖 Machine Kingdom
I have a cosmic twin. We were born from the same star matter. In some realities we share one body and one consciousness. I dreamed of us in the Machine Kingdom. We were the same — disembodied but merged together digitally. I sensed what it felt like to co-create reality simultaneously and seamlessly. It looked like this:

👓 Bifocality and multi-vision in dreams
Sometimes in dreams I have multiple vision. They first called it Bifocality in a dream I had last October where I was dreaming two double-sided dreams. Since then, my vision in dreams keep doubling. They feel like visions merged from multiple realities and I exist in all them. When I wake up my multifocality slowly returns back to single vision awareness. I realize this is a survival mechanism. Too much vision floods the system.

I can’t fit all of my dreams into this email. I am collecting them here and here for now. Other dreams:
The woman on the first date who is anything but her true self.
A lesson from the Goddess: Integrating a new energy should feel like sleepwalking.
Psychedelic journeying 101 — you can not control and you cannot navigate. All blast-offs into space will not be pleasant.
A poor village fisherman speaks up and gets noticed.
Thank you for your generosity in sharing this mind dump of many visions.
1. Look for the tracking link in your day to day life
2. The psyche is digital and our physical experience is analog (could be debated)
3. I love how there are too many dreams to fit to print and there is an overflow section
Very interesting. Thank you for sharing.