Energetic disposal system, time as a species and technicolor dream objects
"Your dreams are blowing in all directions" — something I heard in a dream
🚽 Toilet dreams and the energetic disposal system
Sometimes we dream in structures. The layout of our heart can be depicted as a house. Our body might show itself as a spaceship. Maybe you dream your mental floor plan.
These deep structures are within us, and they serve as gateways and portals.
Then there are the systems and components within these structures — like the toilet dreams. Sometimes the toilet is overflowing or backed up, or you have to clean a flooded bathroom. Maybe it’s a public restroom and there are no pristine stalls. The job is dirty and the dream is unpleasant.
I often wonder how I can avoid these dreams. I imagine my emotional, mental, spiritual and physical bodies as houses, and I realize that it’s impossible to avoid sewage and excrement and waste.
We need an energetic disposal system. We transform energy into cosmic excrement all the time and vice versa. Humans that can hold the darkness and transmute it into light are like angelic vultures. We eat sacred filth and change it into something beautiful. But where does it go?
When we dream of backed up toilets and flooded bathrooms and sewage that seeps into our floorboards — all of this could mean there’s an energetic clog somewhere. Maybe it’s your emotions that are repressed. Maybe your mental sewage is at a standstill and you need to drain it.
Sometimes it’s not even our shit. Sometimes it’s communal.
Here’s a dream I had on April 17, 2023:
I move into a house built on top of the community’s sewage pipe. It’s filled to the brim, and if the levels get any higher, waste water will seep through the floorboards.
Outside of my house is a tall tree that’s been holding in rain water. A knot pops out and holy water flows out of the trunk like a fountain. It feels like a blessing, but instead it’s a curse — my house gets flooded with communal run-off.
When I wake up I realize I need to move from that house — not physically but mentally. I need stronger energetic boundaries and I need to avoid adding to the communal waste flow.
And if I ever feel off or emotionally flooded, I can always ask myself:
Is this my shit or communal shit that’s bogging me down?
🤸🏻♂️ Dragonfly lessons in mental acrobatics
The Animal Kingdom is our ally. They teach us about diversity more than humans do. Each species delivers its own message to us in dreams. They show us different possibilities to exist in our human form. They’re invested in our evolution and in how we take care of the Earth. Animal spirits show up in dreams to guide us on how to be better humans.
🕸️ Webs woven through time
This was a lesson in how time works. Linear time is one of many species of Time. All of our dreams are experiments in time. Keep your mind loose and the particles in your body spacious and you can begin to sense the many different ways Time can flow.
🛞 Who’s driving who?
I struggle with this message. Sometimes I let go and let God or the Goddess drive my vehicle of consciousness. Sometimes I ask my higher self to take the wheel today. Sometimes I fight for control. I want both. I want sovereignty and I want communion with holy spirits and the rest of the Universe.
I want both.
🍩 The Donut Kingdom comes alive
The donuts become animated in a dream and even I was like How did this happen? They say my “attention” made them come alive. (In waking life, I fantasize and crave and admire donuts often.) This is a natural law of magic. It works with angels and spirit animals and your own ally or higher self. Attention = Aliveness.
💀 Restore your mummified emotional bodies
Whenever I dream of criminal activity — like stealing or hiding dead bodies — I wake up ashamed. I ask myself, what part of me is violent or breaking a law of nature? I try to give myself healthy outlets in waking life to exorcise those demons. I try to soothe my shame. The monsters within me are me too.
Here is another dream where I discover a long-forgotten dead body, now mummified. My plan is to repress and bury this forgotten part of me, until he speaks up and gifts me another option to heal myself.
🌹 Activating your lineage
My parents were teenage immigrants from Mexico, and I was born in California with one foot in each world and belonging to none. All my life I felt culture was something to be avoided (if it was alien and illegal), and at the same time I was always told I was not Mexican enough. Somewhere along the way I slowly found my lineage.
Everything I had ever gravitated towards. Everything that felt like “home.” Everything that inspires me to celebrate. One day it all became alive within me. Once I stopped resisting, embodiment of culture became effortless.
🌈 Technicolor dream things
Some dreams feel like fragments or remnants of emotional charges, while others exhibit themselves as complete storylines. The dream will play out like a movie with characters, a plot, climax and an ending. But even within those movie dreams, the random objects that grab my attention is often the message I bring back with me.
Below are a few rainbow-colored objects I’ve discovered in dreams. Each one infuses me with awe and wonder and within the dream I have no doubts these objects are meant to be mine.
Color in dreams is a modality of therapy. Color carries an energetic current and a language that if you meditate or sit with can be transformative.